Karl Peet, MPP/UP

Senior Advisor, Global Strategy

Contact Information

Karl Peet

Karl is a researcher and advocate working at the intersection of climate change, energy transition, and conservation. He is helping to shape CBI’s global engagement strategy on nature-positive infrastructure and renewable energy.  He is also assessing strategies to meet 2030 targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework and other multilateral environmental agreements, reflecting the technical knowledge and cultural imperatives of Indigenous communities.

Karl has engaged in research and policy on climate change mitigation and adaptation for two decades, recently as Senior Advisor at the SLOCAT Partnership, a global NGO driving systemic change through sustainable transport.  At SLOCAT, Karl led science-based analyses to meet targets of the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement in a network of 90+ UN agencies, multilateral development banks and NGOs. Karl has led peer-reviewed publications on 1.5ºC transport pathways (cited in the IPCC AR6) and on transport ‘quick wins’ (for UK Department for International Development).

Karl is based in pancake-flat Chicago, where he’s still trying to accept the city’s rugged built environment as a substitute for the Rocky Mountains of his youth.