The 16th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (COP16), convenes October 21 – Nov 1, 2024 in Cali, Colombia. COP16 is the first Biodiversity COP since the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework in 2022.
During COP16, government representatives will review the progress made to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework, as well as assessing the level of alignment of their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans.
Attended by participants from over 190 countries, COP16 brings together governments, observer organizations, indigenous communities, businesses, youth groups, civil society, academia, and the general public.
Conservation Biology Institute (CBI) is honored to be granted observation credentials for this year’s CBD COP negotiations. CBI will be represented by the following delegation members:
- Robin Jones – Executive Director
- Dr. Alexandra Syphard – Senior Global Change Research Scientist
- Karl Peet – Senior Advisor, Global Strategy
If you will be attending COP16, we would love to meet with you there. You can find us at one of our hosted events, or drop us a note at info@consbio.org, and we will find a time to meet!
What COP16 Events are Being Co-Hosted by CBI?
Leveraging Traditional Knowledge and Modern Technology to Reduce Tropical Deforestation, ‘Ghost Road’ Expansion, and Habitat Fragmentation
Oct. 24th (14:00 – 17:00)
Ríostudio Cali (Avenida 4 Oeste, #4-84)
Advance registration requested; space is limited
Business-as-usual transport networks often create negative impacts on biodiversity through road expansion, incursion into both Indigenous communities and wildlife habitat, and through vehicle/wildlife collisions. This panel will explore means of achieving nature- and community-positive road building, and the importance of ensuring informed consent of impacted Indigenous communities.
- Fernanda Abra, Postdoc researcher at the Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute—Center for Conservation and Sustainability, US/Brazil
- Hugo Jabini, Association of Saamaka Traditional Authorities, Suriname
- Gregory Landua, Chief Executive Officer, Regen Network
- Juana Leal, Healthy Cities Lead, Despacio, Colombia
- Karl Peet, Senior Advisor – Global Strategy, Conservation Biology Institute, US
- Marielos Peña Claros, Professor, Wageningen University & Research (WUR) & Science Panel for the Amazon, Netherlands/Bolivia
- Bart Slagter, PhD Candidate, Geo-Information Science & Remote Sensing, Wageningen University Research, Netherlands
- Jessica Webb, Strategy Lead, Forests and Nature for People, World Resources Institute, US
- Simon Winograd, Director of Impact, Native Root Coffee, Colombia
Global Challenges to Sustaining Biodiversity in an Era of Changing Fire Regimes
Oct. 25th (14:00 – 17:00)
Ríostudio Cali (Avenida 4 Oeste, #4-84)
Advance registration requested; space is limited
Given increasingly devastating impacts of wildfires on human communities, effective fire management strategies are urgently needed to protect people; yet, many fire management approaches can also cause substantial ecological harm and create conflicts with biodiversity conservation. This panel will explore solutions that can improve human safety while also preserving biodiversity.
- Dr. Mauricio Aguilar Garavito, Pontifical Xavierian University, Colombia
- Sam Bennetts, Regen Network, US
- Dr. David Bowman, Fire Centre Research Hub, University of Tasmania, Australia (remote)
- Dr. Lluís Brotons, Ecological and Forestry Applications Research Centre (CREAF)
- Dr. Ghisliane Echeverry Prieto, Director, Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies, Colombia (invited)
- Dr. Mauro González, Universidad Austral de Chile, Instituto de Conservación Biodiversidad y Territorio (remote)
- Dr. Stijn Erik R. Hantson, Associate Professor, Universidad del Rosario, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Colombia
- Jim Herbers, Executive Director, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, University of Alberta Edmonton
- Dr. Iokiñe Rodríguez Fernandez, University of East Anglia (remote)
- Dr. Alexandra D. Syphard, Conservation Biology Institute
- Representative, Bomberos Voluntarios de Cali, Colombia (invited)
virtual meeting link
Conservation Biology Institute COP16 Partners Reception
October 27th (18:00 – 21:00)
Tierradentro Café & Co (Carrera 12 # 2 – 81)
Advance registration requested; space is limited
Join the CBI team at a casual meet-and-greet reception to further our discussions about biodiversity and its intersection with wildfire, renewable energy, agriculture, habitat connectivity, transport and more! Appetizers will be served and beverages will be available at a cash bar.
International Perspectives on Developing Community and Biodiversity Resilience to Wildfire under Global Change
Oct. 28th (9:00 – 13:30)
Ríostudio Cali (Avenida 4 Oeste, #4-84)
Advance registration requested; space is limited
Global targets for biodiversity conservation cannot be met without accounting for the critical role of wildfire in shaping ecosystem functioning. This workshop has the following objectives:
- Advance interdisciplinary scientific research and innovation;
- Foster collaborative collection of open-source, comprehensive, geographically relevant, and accurate data, information, and traditional ecological knowledge.
- Ensure evidence-based decision-making through communication between scientists and practitioners;
- Understand and account for geographical diversity in social and ecological systems; and
- Provide widespread wildfire resilience education for collaboration across a range of stakeholders, supported by CBI’s forthcoming Wildfire Academy.
- Dr. Mauricio Aguilar Garavito, Pontifical Xavierian University, Colombia
- Dr. Lluís Brotons, Ecological and Forestry Applications Research Centre (CREAF)
- Dr. Ghisliane Echeverry Prieto, Director, Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies, Colombia
- Dr. Mauro González, Universidad Austral de Chile, Instituto de Conservación Biodiversidad y Territorio (remote)
- Mr. Anacleto Peña, Union of Indigenous Communities of Lomerío, Bolivia (invited)
- Dr. Alexandra D. Syphard, Conservation Biology Institute
- Representative, Bomberos Voluntarios de Cali, Colombia (invited)
virtual meeting link
Protecting Biodiversity & Advancing Renewables Through Energy-Water-Food Synergies
Oct. 29th (14:00 – 17:00)
Ríostudio Cali (Avenida 4 Oeste, #4-84)
Advance registration requested; space is limited
This panel will explore the challenges and opportunities associated with simultaneously implementing the Global Biodiversity Framework while striving to meet the UN Global Renewables Pledge to triple renewable energy production by 2030.
- Andrea Wainer, Knowledge & Data Manager – Sustainability, REN21, France (remote)
- Adrián Monjeau, Fundación Bariloche, Argentina
- Rosilena Lindo Riggs, Secretaria Nacional de Energía de Panamá 2023-2024
- Robin Jones, Conservation Biology Institute, US
- Rosa Montañez, Fundación Natura, Panama
- Juan Carlos Monterrey Gomez, Special Representative for Climate Change, Ministry of the Environment, Panama
- Andres Rebolledo, Organización Latinoamericana de Energía, Ecuador (invited)
- Obuile Morewane, Green Energy and Sustainability Association, Botswana
- Gisel Booman, Regen Network, Argentina
- Constanza Gomez Mont, NaturaTech LAC (invited)
virtual meeting link