Escalating harvest of remnant old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest has precipitated concern for marten (Martes amaericana) as an old-growth dependent species (Meslow et al. 1981). Although recent studies have increased our understanding of marten habitat requirements (Koehler adn Hornocker 1977, Soutiere 1979, Steventon and Major 1982), little in-depth research has been done in the Pacific states. Also, the influences of specific forest attributes on marten selection of resting and foraging sites have been insufficiently quantified. This study details marten selection of resting and foraging habitats in the northern Sierra Nevada.

Biodiversity conservation, in an era of global change and scarce funding, benefits from approaches that simultaneously solve multiple problems. Here, we discuss conservation management of the island scrub-jay (Aphelocoma insularis), the only island-endemic passerine species in the continental United States, which is currently restricted to 250-square-kilometer Santa Cruz Island, California. Although the species is not listed as threatened by state or federal agencies, its viability is nonetheless threatened on multiple fronts. We discuss management actions that could reduce extinction risk, including vaccination, captive propagation, biosecurity measures, and establishing a second free-living population on a neighboring island. Establishing a second population on Santa Rosa Island may have the added benefit of accelerating the restoration and enhancing the resilience of that island’s currently highly degraded ecosystem. The proactive management framework for island scrub-jays presented here illustrates how strategies for species protection, ecosystem restoration, and adaptation to and mitigation of climate change can converge into an integrated solution.

The Northwest Forest Plan was implemented in 1994 to protect habitat for species associated with old-growth forests, including Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentailis caurina) in Washington, Oregon, and northern California (U.S.A.). Nevertheless, 10-year monitoring data indicate mixed success in meeting the ecological goals of the plan. We used the ecosystem management decision-support model to evaluate terrestrial and aquatic habitats across the landscape on the basis of ecological objectives of the Northwest Forest Plan, which included maintenance of late-successional and old-growth forest, recovery, and maintenance of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), and viability of Northern Spotted Owls. Areas of the landscape that contained habitat characteristics that supported these objectives were considered of high conservation value. We used the model to evaluate ecological condition of each of the 36, 180 township and range sections of the study area. Eighteen percent of the study area was identified as habitat of high conservation value. These areas were mostly on public lands. Many of the sections that contained habitat of exceptional conservation value were on Bureau of Land Management land that has been considered for management-plan revisions to increase timber harvests. The results of our model can be used to guide future land management in the Northwest Forest Plan area, and illustrate how decision-support models can help land managers develop strategies to better meet their goals.

Chaparral shrublands in southern California, US, exhibit significant biodiversity but are prone to large,intense wildfires. Debate exists regarding fuel reduction to prevent such fires in wildland areas, but the effects of these fires on fauna are not well understood. We studied whether fire severity and distance from unburned fire perimeter influenced recovery of the small-mammal community from 13 to 39 months after the large (1134.2 km2) Cedar fire in San Diego County. In general, neither factor influenced small-mammal recovery. However, vegetation characteristics, distance to riparian habitat and the prevalence of rocky substrate affected recovery in species-specific patterns. This indicates the effects of fire severity and immigration from outside the fire perimeter, if they occur, do so within 1 year, whereas longerterm recovery is largely driven by previously known relationships between small mammals and habitat structure. Our results, when combined with results from other studies in southern California, suggest where human lives or infrastructure are not at risk, efforts to preserve chaparral biodiversity should focus on maintaining the native plant community. Doing so may require novel management strategies in the face of an increasing human population, ignition sources and the spread of invasive exotic plants.

Animals concentrate their activities within areas we call home ranges because information about places increases fitness. Most animals, and certainly all mammals, store information about places in cognitive maps—or neurally encoded representations of the geometric relations among places—and learn to associate objects or events with places on their map. I define the value of information as a time-dependent increment it adds to any appropriate currency of fitness for an informed versus an uninformed forager, and integrate it into simple conceptual models that help explain movements of animals that learn, forget, and use information. Unlike other space-use models, these recognize that movement decisions are based on an individual’s imperfect and ever-changing expectancies about the environment—rather than omniscience or ignorance. Using simple, deterministic models, I demonstrate how the use of such dynamic information explains why animals use home ranges, and can help explain diverse movement patterns, including systematic patrolling or ‘‘traplining,’’ shifting activity or focal areas, extra-home-range exploration, and seemingly random (although goal-directed and spatially contagious) movements. These models also provide insights about interindividual spacing patterns, from exclusive home ranges (whether defended as territories or not) to broadly overlapping or shared ranges. Incorporating this dynamic view of animal expectancies and information value into more-complex and realistic movement models, such as random-walk, Bayesian foraging, and multi-individual movement models, should facilitate a more comprehensive and empirical understanding of animal space-use phenomena. The fitness value of cognitive maps and the selective exploitation of spatial information support a general theory of animal space use, which explains why mammals have home ranges and how they use them.

To conserve ecological connectivity (the ability to support animal movement, gene flow, range shifts, and other ecological and evolutionary processes that require large areas), conservation professionals need coarse-grained maps to serve as decision-support tools or vision statements and fine-grained maps to prescribe site-specific interventions. To date, research has focused primarily on fine-grained maps (linkage designs) covering small areas. In contrast, we devised 7 steps to coarsely map dozens to hundreds of linkages over a large area, such as a nation, province, or ecoregion. We provide recommendations on how to perform each step on the basis of our experiences with 6 projects: California Missing Linkages (2001), Arizona Wildlife Linkage Assessment (2006), California Essential Habitat Connectivity (2010), Two Countries, One Forest (northeastern United States and southeastern Canada) (2010),Washington State Connected Landscapes (2010), and the Bhutan Biological Corridor Complex (2010). The 2 most difficult steps are mapping natural landscape blocks (areas whose conservation value derives from the species and ecological processes within them) and determining which pairs of blocks can feasibly be connected in a way that promotes conservation.  Decision rules for mapping natural landscape blocks and determining which pairs of blocks to connect must reflect not only technical criteria, but also the values and priorities of stakeholders. We recommend blocks be mapped on the basis of a combination of naturalness, protection status, linear barriers, and habitat quality for selected species. We describe manual and automated procedures to identify currently functioning or restorable linkages. Once pairs of blocks have been identified, linkage polygons can be mapped by least-cost modeling, other approaches from graph theory, or individual-based movement models. The approaches we outline make assumptions explicit, have outputs that can be improved as underlying data are improved, and help implementers focus strictly on ecological connectivity.

An isolated population of the fisher (Martes pennanti) in the southern Sierra Nevada, California, is threatened by small size and habitat alteration from wildfires, fuels management, and other factors. We assessed the population’s status and conservation options for its habitat using a spatially explicit population model coupled with a fisher probability of occurrence model. The fisher occurrence model was selected from a family of generalized additive models (GAM) generated using numerous environmental variables and fisher detection–nondetection data collected at 228 survey arrays sampled repeatedly during 2002–2006. The selected GAM accounted for 69% of the Akaike weight using total above-ground biomass of trees, latitude-adjusted elevation, and annual precipitation averaged over a 5 km2 moving window. We estimated equilibrium population sizes (or carrying capacities) within currently occupied areas, and identified likely population source, sink, and expansion areas, by simulating population processes for 20 years using different demographic rates, dispersal distances, and territory sizes. The population model assumed that demographic parameters of fishers scale in proportion to habitat quality as indexed by the calculated probability of fisher occurrence. Based on the most defensible range of parameter values, we estimate fisher carrying capacity at 125–250 adults in currently occupied areas. Population
expansion into potential habitat in and north of Yosemite National Park has potential to increase population size, but this potential for expansion is predicted to be highly sensitive to mortality rates, which may be elevated in the northern portion of the occupied range by human influences, including roadkill and diseases carried by domestic cats and dogs.

Over the past few centuries, widespread disturbance of native forests of the conterminous United States has dramatically altered the composition, structure, extent, and spatial pattern of forestlands (Curtis 1956, Whitney 1994). These forests have been either permanently replaced by other land uses or degraded to varying degrees by unsustainable forestry practices, forest fragmentation, exotic species introduction, or alteration of natural disturbance regimes.

Habitat fragmentation is generally defined as the process of subdividing a continuous habitat type into smaller patches, which results in the loss of original habitat, reduction in patch size, and increasing isolation of patches (Andrén 1994). Habitat fragmentation is considered to be one of the single most important factors leading to loss of native species (especially in forested landscapes) and one of the primary causes of the present extinction crisis (Wilcox and Murphy 1985). Although it is true that natural disturbances such as fire and disease fragment native forests, human activities are by far the most extensive agents of forest fragmentation (Burgess and Sharpe 1981). For example, during a 20-year period in the Klamath–Siskiyou ecoregion, fire was responsible for 6% of forest loss, while clear-cut logging was responsible for 94% (Staus et al. 2001). Depending on the severity of the fragmentation process and sensitivity of the ecosystems affected, native plants, animals, and many natural ecosystem processes (e.g., nutrient cycling, pollination, predator–prey interactions, and natural disturbance regimes) are compromised or fundamentally altered. For many species, migration between suitable habitat patches becomes more difficult, leading to smaller population sizes, decreased gene flow, and possible local extinctions (Wilcove 1987, Vermeulen 1993).

Models are commonly used to identify lands that will best maintain the ability of wildlife to move between wildland blocks through matrix lands after the remaining matrix has become incompatible with wildlife movement. We offer a roadmap of 16 choices and assumptions that arise in designing linkages to facilitate movement or gene flow of focal species between 2 or more predefined wildland blocks. We recommend designing linkages to serve multiple (rather than one) focal species likely to serve as a collective umbrella for all native species and ecological processes, explicitly acknowledging untested assumptions, and using uncertainty analysis to illustrate potential effects of model uncertainty. Such uncertainty is best displayed to stakeholders as maps of modeled linkages under different assumptions. We also recommend modeling corridor dwellers (species that require more than one generation to move their genes between wildland blocks) differently from passage species (for which an individual can move between wildland blocks within a few weeks). We identify a problem, which we call the subjective translation problem, that arises because the analyst must subjectively decide how to translate measurements of resource selection into resistance. This problem can be overcome by estimating resistance from observations of animal movement, genetic distances, or interpatch movements. There is room for substantial improvement in the procedures used to design linkages robust to climate change and in tools that allow stakeholders to compare an optimal linkage design to alternative designs that minimize costs or achieve other conservation goals.

The geographic genetic structure, based on sequence variation of an 810 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, is described for populations of five subspecies of the Little Pocket Mouse, Perognathus longimembris, from Southern California. One of these, P. l. pacificus (Pacific Pocket Mouse), is listed as Endangered by the U.S. Federal Government. Sixty-two unique haplotypes were recovered from 99 individuals sampled. Phylogenetic analyses of these variants do not identify regionally reciprocally monophyletic lineages concordant with the current subspecies designations, but most haplotypes group by subspecies in networks generated by either statistical parsimony or molecular variance parsimony.Moreover, a substantial proportion of the total pool of haplotype variation is attributed to these subspecies, or to local populations within geographic segments of each, indicating their relative evolutionary independence. The pooled extant populations of the endangered Pacific Pocket Mouse exhibit the same levels of nucleotide and haplotype diversity as other, presumptively less-impacted populations of adjacent subspecies, although the sample from Dana Point, Orange County, has markedly low haplotype diversity in comparison to all others. These populations also show a genetic signature of population expansion rather than one of decline. Both pieces of evidence are at odds with current empirical population estimates, which reinforces the fact that present-day patterns of genetic diversity are the product of coalescent history and will not necessarily reflect recent anthropogenic, or other, perturbations. Comparison of haplotype variation within and among extant populations of the Pacific Pocket Mouse with those obtained from museum samples collected more than 70 years ago suggests that the pattern of population differentiation and diversity was in place before the post-WorldWar II exponential urbanization of Southern California.