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Full Title: User-centered design and lessons learned from regional conservation planning in CA’s Bay Area

The Bay Area Greenprint, bayareagreenprint.org, is a regional multi-benefit conservation planning tool developed with the Nature Conservancy, Bay Area Open Space Council, American Farmland Trust, and Greenbelt Alliance, funded by the Bechtel Foundation.

The heart of the Greenprint is a fairly complex reporting tool that brings in dozens of data layers, everything from pending development projects to sea level rise and groundwater data. Given the complexity of the tool, we spent considerable time and effort on user testing with practitioners and developing a framework for public-facing stories of how those practitioners are using the tools we’ve developed.

The key discovery we made is that even experts in one field need the support of concrete stories and demonstrations when a data tool spans beyond their field.

We’ll use the Greenprint design and development process as a case study of how narrative can help scaffold and frame even complex data challenges in ways that make them approachable and manageable for busy professional planners and other key users.