Barry Baker, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist

Contact Information

A man with gray hair is standing outdoors wearing a jacket and scarf. In the background, there is a winding river and rocky terrain under clear skies.

Curriculum Vitae


Phone Number

This post is for archival purposes only. Barry Baker no longer works for CBI.

Barry is a Senior Research Scientist at CBI. His research interests include bioclimatology, biogeography, and the influence of climatic variability on the distribution and conservation of plants and animals in grassland and alpine ecosystems.

Barry received a Ph.D. from Colorado State University in 1991 where his research focused on the effects of climate change on grassland/livestock ecosystems.  Since then, he has worked in Argentina, China, Mongolia, and the US for the United Nations’ Development and Environmental Programmes, the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Country Studies Program, and more recently The Nature Conservancy. His research interests include bioclimatology, biogeography, and the influence of climatic variability on the distribution and conservation of plants and animals in grassland and alpine ecosystems.