John Waugh, Ph.D.

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A man with a gray beard wearing a brown hat, brown jacket, and white shirt stands outdoors. He appears to be in a foggy setting, with people and horses blurred in the background.

John Waugh is an adviser on conservation strategies and planning, with a focus on the role of information in conservation policy, and on sustainable finance mechanisms.  He has been involved in protected area management for 30 years, as a park ranger, manager, planner, and strategist.  He is the author of several publications on invasive species and a contributor to several on protected areas, all with IUCN.  After 20 years with IUCN, he is working for Integra LCC based in Washington, DC.  His current interests include risk assessment, eco-informatics, climate adaptation strategies, sustainable finance mechanisms, and learning networks for conservation.   He lives in the Virginia Piedmont hunt country, where he has not yet succeeded in mediating between foxes and hounds.