TASKS 1-4: Covered Species Mapping, Invasive Species Mapping, Invasive Plant Control, and Early Detection Plan
The Conservation Biology Institute (CBI) and partners conducted covered and invasive species mapping,
monitoring, and management on the Crestridge Ecological Reserve (CER) and South Crest properties
(South Crest) in 2011 and 2012 as part of a Transnet EMP Grant (contract no. 5001586). This document
functions as the final report for the following tasks:
Task 1 – Invasive Species Mapping
Task 2 – Covered Species Mapping
Task 3 – Invasive Plant Control
Task 4 – Early Detection Plan
The location of the subject properties is depicted in Figure ES-1. The CER is owned by the California
Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) and managed by the Endangered Habitats Conservancy (EHC);
EHC owns and manages the South Crest properties. Both properties support MSCP covered species and
sensitive habitats, and function as critical landscape linkages between the northern and southern MSCP.
Surrounded by residential development and heavily impacted by the 2003 Cedar Fire, these properties
are subject to ongoing invasive plant issues. Specific task actions included invasive plant and covered
plant species mapping and risk assessments, invasive plant control and experimental studies, and
development of an early detection invasive control plan.
Prepared for: San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) – 5001586