Ecological connectivity is increasingly acknowledged as crucial for biodiversity conservation. Iverson et al. suggest that increasing stewardship to ensure permeability is a better approach than protecting linkages between protected areas. We argue that the optimal approach depends on the landscape context, conservation goals, and species involved and suggest that linkage plans can prioritize specific places for protection and improved management. However, when using connectivity models as predictive tools, model validation is vital. We commend Iverson et al. for assessing whether modeled linkages were important predictors of species presence. We disagree, though, with the authors’ conclusion that their findings challenge the theory and practice of modeling linkages and explain that the reason may be the misalignment of the validation assumptions with model objectives. We offer our perspective on best practices for conducting validation studies and note factors to consider with respect to data used for model validation and model expectations.
CBI is a partner in producing a statewide wildlife connectivity ensemble model and associated mapped data in support of a connectivity action plan for the state, which is under development. The modeling will identify priority areas across the state in need of some form of mitigation to promote wildlife connectivity and reduce wildlife/vehicle collisions at the same time. The co-production process includes the close collaboration with an active Technical Advisory Group. The project is being funded by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Roads Drive Tropical Forest Biodiversity Loss
There are around 40 million miles of roads in the world with another 15.5 million miles projected to be added by 2050, which is the fastest expansion rate of road building in history. Roads continue to be constructed around the world including the U.S., which leads the world in the number of linear miles (>7 million miles), but the most recent concentration of new road building is in the tropical nations. Even more troubling is that many roads are being constructed informally or illegally and, therefore, do not appear on any map. These are sometimes referred to as “ghost roads”.
In a recent article in Nature, the authors conducted a study on roads in the Asia-Pacific region and found 3.0 to 6.6 times more roads exist than are shown in any leading roads dataset. These ghost roads are being built to gain access to pristine tropical forest areas for various purposes: agriculture expansion, logging, mining, poaching, and land speculators – all with serious ecological consequences. Roads were shown to be the strongest correlate to deforestation out of 38 potential variables. The authors conclude that “ghost roads are among the gravest of all direct threats to tropical forests.”
Unfortunately, the Asia-Pacific Region is not alone. The same issue has been recorded in many other parts of the world (e.g., the Amazon region and Congo Basin).
Of course, roads are a vital infrastructure for modern societies, so where should they go? An article by Distinguished Research Professor Bill Laurance, published in The Conversation, describes a global strategy for road building. Bill and his coauthors intersected areas of relative environmental value with areas of relative agricultural potential identifying priority areas for both and where in the world these two uses are in conflict.
Improving road networks in areas of high agricultural potential and low environmental value are good candidates as they have immediate value to local people. In the high environmental value areas, especially in direct conflict with potential new agricultural land, it would be wise to avoid the first cut into these areas as once there is an initial access road constructed many more roads rapidly follow with serious consequences to the local biodiversity. For example, in the Congo region of Africa, 60 percent of the forest elephant population has been lost over the last decade and the critically endangered eastern lowland gorilla (Grauer’s Gorilla) population is estimated to be 6,800 individuals.
New Publication: Chile’s Valparaíso hills on fire
Our Senior Research Scientist, Alexandra Syphard, is a co-author of the paper in Science, Chile’s Valparaíso hills on fire, which highlights human-caused ignitions, flammable plantations, and prolonged droughts making Chile one of the most fire-prone places in the world. A record-breaking Chile wildfire in February destroyed thousands of homes, caused 133 human fatalities, and burned thousands of hectares of stressed vegetation. Wildfire mitigation in Chile will require many steps, including (1) governance and land-use planning, (2) restoring and managing native forest vegetation, (3) removing highly flammable forest plantations, (4) prohibiting the conversion of recently burned native forests into exotic forest plantations or new urban developments, and (5) strengthening fire prevention programs in Chile helping reduce human-caused ignitions.
The city of Calgary, Canada has always been defined in part by its rich, natural environment. The city is committed to addressing the complex interactions between growth, day-to-day life, and conserving nature. As a key part of this plan, Calgary is working to reduce habitat fragmentation and ensure wildlife connectivity. CBI was thrilled to review and enhance a deep, scientific mapping and connectivity modeling analysis of Calgary to help determine the most optimal connectivity needs and priorities. Recommendations included such items as prioritizing among multiple linkage alternatives & revising the primary corridors locations in areas of buildings to yield better results. CBI leveraged its scientific expertise in urban connectivity analysis, which presents a very different challenge than natural environments.
The Central Oregon Forest Stewardship Foundation (COFSF) mission is to increase quality and quantity of forest restoration and stewardship in Central Oregon. As part of this effort, we have created a geospatial gateway with a rich amount of information on forests, wildlife, wildfire, and climate in the area. The gateway is a customized portal that allows users exclusive access to CBI’s Data Basin and is being used for planning, implementing, and monitoring science-driven forest restoration and stewardship activities by a diverse group of partners.
COFSF embraces Shared Stewardship for Central Oregon which “challenges groups to engage in proactive planning and, in so doing, to identify a broader range of potential partners and to consider a wider array of conservation concerns. Partners work together to make decisions about priority projects and design, implement, and monitor work among multiple partners, across multiple jurisdictions, and address a wider array of conservation issues.”
Data Basin is a key enabler of this shared stewardship by providing an open and freely accessible platform to enable many siloed restoration projects to address the larger ecosystem needs and priorities. It empowers diverse stakeholders to collaborate and communicate with each other enabling multiple and durable benefits across the landscape.
Poster Presentation, Wayne Spencer, Conservation Biology Institute
The southernmost population of Pekania pennanti has been isolated in the southern Sierra Nevada, California, USA, for thousands of years and has undergone multiple contractions and expansions over time.
This poster, presented at the 8th International Martes Symposium, describes the history of this unique population of Pacific fisher with a focus on more recent threats, conservation efforts, and research milestones.
Scientists, resource managers, and decision makers increasingly use knowledge coproduction to guide the stewardship of future landscapes under climate change. This process was applied in the California Central Valley (USA) to solve complex conservation problems, where managed wetlands and croplands are flooded between fall and spring to support some of the largest concentrations of shorebirds and waterfowl in the world. We coproduced scenario narratives, spatially explicit flooded waterbird habitat models, data products, and new knowledge about climate adaptation potential. We documented our coproduction process, and using the coproduced models, we determined when and where management actions make a difference and when climate overrides these actions. The outcomes of this process provide lessons learned on how to cocreate usable information and how to increase climate adaptive capacity in a highly managed landscape. Actions to restore wetlands and prioritize their water supply created habitat outcomes resilient to climate change impacts particularly in March, when habitat was most limited; land protection combined with management can increase the ecosystem’s resilience to climate change; and uptake and use of this information was influenced by the roles of different stakeholders, rapidly changing water policies, discrepancies in decision-making time frames, and immediate crises of extreme drought. Although a broad stakeholder group contributed knowledge to scenario narratives and model development, to coproduce usable information, data products were tailored to a small set of decision contexts, leading to fewer stakeholder participants over time. A boundary organization convened stakeholders across a large landscape, and early adopters helped build legitimacy. Yet, broad-scale use of climate adaptation knowledge depends on state and local policies, engagement with decision makers that have legislative and budgetary authority, and the capacity to fit data products to specific decision needs.
Species Potential Habitat Tool (SPHT) allows managers to identify suitable species for specific sites under current climates and a range of future climate change scenarios. The tool allows forest managers to select species to plant or to promote using other silvicultural activities such as natural regeneration or thinning. Thus, the SPHT can help promote the transition of forest to species compositions that are better adapted to future climates. The SPHT may be used in conjunction with the Seedlot Selection Tool (SST) to allow users to explore options for both species-level and within-species assisted migration. Currently the tool has data for five key species (e.g., Douglas-fir, lodgepole pine, ponderosa pine, Sitka spruce, and Engelmann spruce) in western North America, and this will eventually be expanded to 42 tree species.
Species extinction and loss of biodiversity are major crises in the Anthropocene. Translocations of threatened and endangered species, the movement of individuals to augment existing or establish new populations, are increasingly important conservation tools, but have historically had limited success. Selection of a suitable receiver site is essential to translocation success, with poor site suitability cited as one of the most common reasons for relocation failure. We utilized a quantitative SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to evaluate and prioritize potential receiver sites for the Pacific pocket mouse (Perognathus longimembris pacificus), an endangered subspecies of heteromyid rodent endemic to coastal southern California. With only three remaining extant populations, a conservation breeding and reintroduction program is underway with the goal of creating additional wild populations in new or historic locations throughout its indigenous range. Here we describe our use of SWOT analysis and discuss the strengths of this approach as well as improvements that could be made to the evaluation process for other species. Overall, we found that using a structured, transparent, and collaborative process was a valuable tool for prioritizing receiver sites. SWOT analysis is a flexible, repeatable, and proactive approach for identifying receiver sites and the preparations necessary to improve species-specific suitability. This approach has the potential to result in successful relocation compared to less structured site selection processes where poor site suitability is ultimately identified as a major factor in failure to establish wild populations.
Linkage Mapper is a GIS toolbox designed to support regional wildlife habitat connectivity analyses. It consists of several Python scripts, packaged as an ArcGIS toolbox, that automate mapping of wildlife habitat corridors. The toolbox is comprised of six tools, described below.
The primary and original tool in the toolbox is Linkage Pathways. Linkage Pathways uses GIS maps of core habitat areas and resistances to identify and map linkages between core areas. Each cell in a resistance map is attributed with a value reflecting the energetic “cost”, (i.e. difficulty and mortality risk) of moving across that cell. Resistance values are typically determined by cell characteristics, such as land cover or housing density, combined with species-specific landscape resistance models. As animals move away from specific core areas, cost-weighted distance analyses produce maps of total movement resistance accumulated.
The Linkage Pathways tool identifies adjacent (neighboring) core areas and creates maps of least-cost corridors between them. It then mosaics the individual corridors to create a single composite corridor map. The result shows the relative value of each grid cell in providing connectivity between core areas, allowing users to identify which routes encounter more or fewer features that facilitate or impede movement between core areas. Linkage Pathways also produces vector layers that can be queried for corridor statistics.