Ann Van Zee, M.S.

Communications Strategist

Contact Information

Smiling person with shoulder-length hair in a white shirt, standing outdoors with trees in the background.

Curriculum Vitae

Phone Number

This post is for archival purposes only. Ann Van Zee no longer works for CBI.

Ann is a Communications Advisor at CBI pursuing collaborative relationships for the Institute and assisting with outreach and education initiatives.

Ann joined the CBI team in September of 2013. She has her M.S. in Community Development and Natural Resource Management and a B.A. in Business and Communications with a minor in Spanish. Her background is in marketing, publications and education and she has extensive research, writing, editing and production experience. Prior to joining CBI she worked as a Research Associate at the Alliance for Water Efficiency in Chicago. At CBI, Ann is a member of the communications team pursuing collaborative relationships for CBI and assisting with science support and education initiatives. A native Southern Californian, she has lived in the urban jungles of Chicago, Oakland and Los Angeles and amongst the monkeys in the foothills of the Himalayas in Northern India.  She now lives in Corvallis with her husband Kevin and their monkey like children Jane and Charlie.