Biological communities are increasingly faced with novel urban habitats and their response may depend on a combination of biological and habitat traits. The response of pollinator species to urban habitats are of particular importance because all species involved in the pollination mutualism may be affected. Nectarivorous bird communities worldwide show varying tolerances to urban areas, but studies from Africa are lacking. We investigated nectarivorous bird communities in a medium‐sized South African city and asked which biological and garden traits best predict the community assembly of specialist and opportunistic nectarivorous birds. Information was collected on garden traits and the frequency of nine nectarivorous bird species for 193 gardens by means of a questionnaire. Information on biological traits of birds was obtained from published literature. Habitat generalism and tree nesting were identified as the most important biological traits influencing bird occurrence in gardens. A greater diversity of indigenous bird‐pollinated plants and the presence of sugar water feeders increased the numbers of nectar specialist birds and species richness of nectarivorous birds. While bird baths increased the species richness of nectar specialist birds, opportunistic birds’ urban adjustment was further facilitated by large vegetated areas in gardens and limited by the distance to the nearest natural habitat. In conclusion, though some biological traits and dispersal barriers seem to limit urban adjustment, a combination of natural and artificial nectar resource provisioning could facilitate this adjustment.

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