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Enhancing Customer Experience, improving assessments, and streamlining workflows 

The pilot version of the toolkit was designed to enhance customer experience, and better manage CRP enrollment and assessments. It initially covers the states of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Washington. The USDA CRP toolkit (Pilot) was developed with a grant from USDA FSA to Conservation Biology Institute (CBI). It was designed incorporating extensive inputs from USDA staff at the federal, state and county offices, producers, and vendors. More states will be added over time as stakeholders find value and funding is available. 

The version 1.0 of the current set of three tools that are released are publicly available here.

The map-based Plant Finder tool allows you to easily find plants suitable for your location that meet particular growing conditions (e.g., ecological sites, soil conditions, moisture requirements, and specific environmental tolerances) as well as provide specific benefits (e.g., livestock browse, wildlife habitat, and pollinator support). Once a species list is generated, the Vendor Match tool identifies where seeds and/or seedlings from your species list can be purchased. The Vendor Browse tool allows you to easily browse a map view of the registered vendors in your state or across the country where seeds and seedlings can be purchased. 

All data content is from authoritative sources, including NRCS state resources, NRCS Ecological Site program, and the USDA PLANTS database. 

The vendor match and browse tools have been updated in partnership with the Institute for Applied Ecology (IAE)for the Native Seed Network. Note that IAE uses its legacy name `Seed Finder tool’ for what is essentially the same as the USDA vendor match tool.

Tutorial Videos

Managing Vendor Profiles and Inventory
How to use the Plant Finder effectively
USDA CRP Vendor Browsing
USDA CRP Vendor Match