Deanne DiPietro, M.A.

Senior Science Coordinator

Contact Information

Deanne DiPietro, with long, dark hair and a radiant smile, stands outdoors in a pink shirt. She is enveloped by trees and natural greenery in the serene background.

Curriculum Vitae


Phone Number

Deanne DiPietro is a geographer and conservation biologist with over 25 years of experience applying science and information technology to conservation planning. Deanne has a B.S. in Botany and M.A. in Geography from University of California.

As Senior Science Coordinator at CBI she manages projects with multi-disciplinary teams that deliver practical solutions for a wide range of issues from endangered species recovery to community wildfire resilience. Her areas of expertise include science communications, stakeholder engagement, data management, and decision-support tool and digital library design. Deanne’s passion is to apply the latest science and data to protect natural systems while promoting human community resilience in this time of rapid change.

Deanne lives and works in Sonoma County, California.